You First


Today I’m sharing some really exciting news.  Today, my new book You First: Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done is out. It’s a pretty big deal for me: one part hugely exciting; one part mildly frightening. Hugely exciting because we’re starting a movement to end the misery of bad teams.  Mildly frightening because it only works if you come along. I’ve done my part, now it’s up to you whether we change the world or just keep suffering with underwhelming teams.

The Background

In my role at Knightsbridge, I work most days with teams that need to take their performance to another level.  Often these are teams where issues have been left unresolved and the consequences are starting to show in their decision making, their communication, and their overall performance. Like the heart patient who unknowingly has badly blocked arteries, it takes intense, risky, and expensive interventions to return to health…and it doesn’t always work.

Those teams I work with are an endless source of inspiration for me.

The Book

I also love to write. So there was no question that I had a book in me.  The question was which book needed to be written. What idea was screaming to come out? I could have written about our unique approach to helping teams (and I likely will in the future), or about how healthy teams are the key leverage point to productivity and cultural transformation. But instead, I felt I needed to write a book to every single individual out there who is trapped on a team that isn’t working; a book to every person just getting started on a team who doesn’t want to end up miserable but trapped.

You First is for everyone who struggles every day with the tensions, frictions, and frustrations of working on teams.  (As far as I can tell, that’s everyone because teamwork is hard work.)  In the book, I reject the idea that your team leader will, or even can, change your team.  I implore you not to wait for a facilitator to attempt a breakthrough at the top of a ropes course.  Instead, I show you how you can do the simple (but hard) things every day to change your team for the better.

If you are even contemplating inspiring a change on your team: You First provides motivation for why you should try, practical tips for how to do it, and a series of diagnostics to see how you’re doing.

Be a Part of the Movement

If you think that our organizations can’t afford the lost productivity and disengagement of bad teams…  If you believe that our families can’t take the stress of partners or parents coming home wiped out from politics and ugly conflict…  If you know that you can’t waste the best years of your life on a dysfunctional team, now is your chance to do something.

If you like my posts, tweets, videos, and worksheets (as many of you tell me you do), I know you’ll get a lot out of the book. It’s the same tough love plus practical tools formula I use here on If you’re willing, here are some of the ways you can be part of the movement.

  • Buy the book.  You can find it on or on Barnes & Noble or Indigo here.
  • Heck, buy multiple copies for your team or your organization. (Use the contact page and we can help with bulk pricing and perks.)
  • Click here to Tweet,  or Pin, Stumble, LinkIn, Facebook (I know, not a verb) this link to help spread the word about You First
  • Post a review on or (2-3 lines is all it takes)
  • For you bloggers, write a blog about how the ideas intersect with your work
  • Think of me for your next conference or keynote opportunity

Most importantly, just connect with me so I know you’re out there. I’ve spent a year writing and now I want to hear your stories. Email me, comment below, phone, smoke signal…just connect. It’s a big day and this big day is the start of something even bigger. We’re gonna change teams for the better. I’m so glad you’re a part of it.


12 Comments on “You First

  1. Liane, love your blogs and your insights on teams. I am committed to be an active part of the movement – let’s enhance teams and lives everywhere. Congratulations on the book -I’m excited for you AND the rest of us!

  2. Dear Liane,

    Congratulations on this achievement….how very wonderful.

    I look forward to reading your book as much as I look forward to reading your blogs.



  3. Congratulations Liane! I can’t wait to share this with my colleagues in other organizations. I just know it is going to make a difference for them in how they approach improving team effectiveness.

  4. Congratulations on the book launch, Liane! The team here at ExperiencePoint have found many of your blog posts so helpful as we continue to grow and learn as a team….look forward to digging much deeper into the topic via “You First”!

  5. Liane, what a wonderful accomplishment. You are really the expert on all things “Team”. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with a broader global audience. I am sure they will reap in the benefits.

  6. Very excited for you and the rest of the team as we embark on this new journey!
    I’m always impressed by your writing style and knack for all things “team” related.
    Congrats Liane.

  7. Congratulations Liane ! What a marvelous accomplishment ! The ideas in the book resonate for so many people.

  8. Congratulations Liane. I am so happy and excited for you and so proud to be able to call you my colleague! Have read many of your blogs and I am now looking forward to reading your book.

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