About Liane Davey

liane-davey-profile-picEarly on, Dr. Liane Davey found industrial assembly lines – crayons, cotton swabs, soda pop – fascinating. When she settled on psychology as a field of study, it was with the realization that human teams are the assembly lines of the modern business organization. Get the processes and connections right and you can have highly effective and productive teams.

Armed with a Ph.D. in psychology, Liane joined a large consulting firm – and discovered that too many teams she worked with were anything but highly effective and productive. In fact, all too often they were dysfunctional.

That experience inspired her to figure out what really makes team work. Eight years later, a Vice President in Leadership Solutions at Knightsbridge, Liane combines her expertise in strategy with her deep insight into group dynamics to create powerful changes in top teams.

Liane works to rehabilitate teams that have become toxic and with healthy teams that want to take their performance to the next level.

Liane has now distilled her approach into a new book: You First: Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done. She has also led the development of Knightsbridge’s highly successful team effectiveness offering with the Vital Teams™ and Team Inoculation™ programs. These programs allow organizations to certify internal resources to deliver the programs Liane designed.

Liane spreads her message about vital teams to leaders at conferences and management retreats. In addition, she writes an ongoing blog on Team Effectiveness at www.changeyourteam.com, and is a regular contributor to HBR.org and PsychologyToday.com.

Liane is a passionate advocate for mental health and currently serves on the Board of the Psychology Foundation of Canada and has served on the executive committee of the Canadian Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology and as an evaluator for the Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards. She holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/ Organizational Psychology from the University of Waterloo.

Liane’s favorite team of all is the home team; she is happily married with two young daughters.