• Embrace Productive Conflict

    You can change your team for the better. Tap into the value of different points of view by disagreeing about the issues in a way that promotes understanding and reduces defensiveness.

  • Know When to Say “No”

    You can change your team for the better. Retrain yourself when and how to say no to the things that would dilute your focus, stretch your resources, and slow you down.

  • Amplify Other Voices

    You can change your team for the better. Loan your credibility and your airtime to teammates whose minority perspectives are usually shut out of the discussion.

  • Add Your Full Value

    You can change your team for the better. Show up, get off cruise control, and bring the benefit of your experiences, your relationships, and your personality instead of just doing what is in your job description.

  • Start with a Positive Assumption

    You can change your team for the better. Short-circuit your biases, unpack your emotional baggage, and truly appreciate the value that your teammates bring.